LubaOcana's diary

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not on this universe to live up to your desires, and therefore you're not in this world to live up to my own. You are you and I will be I, if by chance we discover each other, then its splendid. If it's not, it can't b

What Are The Treatments For Hammer Toes?

Tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by a toxin. Clostridium tetani spores (spores of tetanus bacteria) are found most often in soil but are present everywhere. The disease affects muscles, especially the jaw and neck muscle. For this rea…

Heel Spur Treatment

Unless you are in the heating and air, pipe-fitting, or boating industries, you probably do not know about anodes and how they protect metals that spend their lives in constant contact with water. Eventually the corrosion will eat away at …

What Is A Heel Spur?

He has me lay down on the couch face down. Danusia has turned off the TV so we can all concentrate on the business of healing my foot. Sister Dr. opens up a small nylon case and begins to lay some tools on the table, and a little electroni…